Smith shoots excellent patterns with Classics Doubles ammo and is quite comfortable to shoot. The shot is nontoxic but since it is as soft as lead it can be fired through vintage barrels without damaging them. The new Classic Doubles family of ammunition from Hevi-Shot includes a 16 gauge load with an ounce of No. Some 16-gauge guns, and this includes those built in the past and today, are light in weight and while many loads now available are extremely effective on game, their relatively high velocities make them a bit uncomfortable to shoot in anything but a heavy gun. charge of copper-plated shot exits the muzzle at a speedy 1495 feet per second with size options including Nos. Remington, Winchester and Federal still offer enough different loads with lead and steel shot to handle about any shotgunning chore and just in time for the 2009 hunting seasons, Federal is adding the 16 gauge to its Wing-Shok lineup of Pheasants Forever loads. Ammunition is not as plentiful as it once was but look long and hard enough and a supply can be located.

During 2001 the 16 gauge represented less than three percent of shotshell sales at Remington and the story was about the same at Winchester and Federal. The 16 gauge was never a big player in the clay target games but it was popular enough for Remington to offer loads with an ounce of No.

When fired in a gun choked full, that load delivered patterns of about the same diameter as those fired by regular loads in a gun choked Improved Cylinder. One of the more interesting options offered to hunters who owned tight-choked guns was the Scatter Load, in which the shot charge was separated into three sections by thin cardboard wads. 9 for clay targets to double-ought buck and a …ž ounce rifled slug for deer. In the old days hunters could choose from a great variety of 16 gauge ammunition with Remington alone offering over 30 different loads. I have carried it while chasing everything from Carolina bobwhites to Montana sharptails and while I am proud to say that I shoot it as well as any shotgun I have ever owned, I don't mind admitting that it missed less often in my father's hands. Smith double, not because I think it is a better gun than the Fox or Model 12, but because the one I now own was purchased by my father in 1948 and used hard in his hands for many hunting seasons thereafter. Due to a thinner wall at the chamber section of its barrel, a 16 gauge Model 12 is actually a bit lighter than one in 20 or 28 gauge.īut my all-time favorite 16 is the L.C. The same holds true for the 16 gauge Model 12 since it is on the same frame size as that gun in 20 and 28 gauge. I am fond of the Fox because 16 gauge guns were built on 20 gauge frames and they truly do live up to the old adage about shooting as hard as a 12 and carrying as light as a 20. I love all three but for different reasons. Smith, with the Winchester Model 12 pump gun in a very close second place. In my opinion, the jewels among 16 gauge guns of yesteryear are side-by-side doubles built by Fox and L.C. Nowadays it is rare to see a bolt-action shotgun being carried in the field but they were quite popular during those innocent days of yesteryear and among the best sellers were the Marlin Model 55, H&R Model 349, Mossberg Model 185, Stevens Model 58 and J.C. Higgins, Savage, Stevens and Winchester, with most selling for around $25. But for every repeater sold in those days, about two dozen single-shots were bought by hunters and plenty of those were peddled by Harrington & Richardson, Iver Johnson, J.C. Higgins side-by-side doubles were available in 16 gauge and Winchester even offered it in its skeet version of the Model 21.